Space Cleansing – Part 1

June 2, 2011 | By More

Space CleansingSpace cleansing is used to remove negative energies and to create a peaceful and harmonious home. Often over years our homes can build up blocked energies and toxins so it’s important to regularly cleanse the space. If you’re feeling lethargic, down or unmotivated, you might need to cleanse the space. You don’t have to just cleanse your home, you can do your work space, office, study area or any other room where you spend a lot of time. There are 3 main steps to clear any space effectively: physically cleaning the room, setting a specific intention for the room and using appropriate space cleansing tools.

It’s important to start any space cleansing by first physically removing clutter. This is done so that the room (or space) can easily allow fresh air (and energy) to circulate. Think of it like allowing the room to breathe. Once clutter is cleaned up, we then need to clean away any surface dirt and grime. This is the physical dust we can see before we cleanse the energy that we can’t see. A good mop, dust and vacuum are great ways to prepare any space for cleansing.

After we’ve cleansed the room physically, we can start to set our intention for the space. This is simply deciding what the room is used for and how we want to feel when we are in that space. If it’s a bedroom you might want it to be romantic or relaxing. One way of setting the intention is to get a piece of crystal quartz. Then hold the crystal in your hands and imagine how you want to feel in that room. Then you can place that crystal somewhere where you can see the crystal (ie for the bedroom you could put it beside the bed).

Once we’ve set the intention for the room, it’s important to decide what tool we will use to cleanse the space. There are a lot of different tools that you can choose from out there ranging from tools that use smell, tools that use sound, and tools that use their own vibrations to help clear the energy. Different tools are appropriate for different rooms. For instance when you enter the home, you might want to choose a space cleanser that emits a nice inviting smell. Enter your name & email below to access part 2 of this article where you’ll find out my recommended space cleansing tools.

It’s easy to cleanse your space when you follow these simple steps. By first physically cleaning the space you can then set the intention for the room (and the home). Then by using the best tool for the job you will find negative energy shift to wonderfully positive energy. This will have a harmonious impact on your family and those who visit your space. It will be much easier to become relaxed when you enter your home and you should find yourself getting a much better night’s sleep.

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Category: Manifesting Tips

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Manifesting coach and abundance creator. Sharing small things we can all do to attract more abundance and live extraordinary lives.

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