Cleaning Your Physical Space

June 2, 2011 | By More

Cleaning Your Physical Space

Did you know that by simply cleaning your house (physically and energetically) you can allow more good things to enter? Space cleaning is a great way to keep your home harmonious and at the same time help to attract those things you desire. In this article I’m going to discuss physical space clearing.

A couple of months ago I was invited to a wedding and I had absolutely nothing to wear. I'd searched all of my local clothing shops high and low to try and find something. I'd actually become slightly despondent about my clothing in general. I hadn't bought a new outfit in over a year because I couldn't seem to find anything.

In the end I decided to have another look in my closet. When I opened the closet door it became pretty clear that I needed to clean out all of the clothing I no longer wore. After a couple of hours of freeing up some space in my closet, I had found a couple of acceptable outfits that I could wear to the wedding if really needed. I definitely felt a lot better about my clothes.

The next day I returned to the exact shopping mall I had already been to the previous week. Amazingly I found 2 new outfits (that had just arrived) that were perfect for the wedding. After a couple of hours shopping I had a total of 4 new outfits (2 for the wedding and 2 others). I couldn't believe the timing – straight after cleaning out the closet I found some fabulous new clothes.

This is a perfect example of physically cleaning out the space. You can call it de-cluttering, spring cleaning or simply removing the unwanted. The Universe will give us whatever we ask for as long as the vibration of our request matches our own. When we have too much "junk" it lowers our vibration and blocks new experiences coming our way.

By cleaning out all of the unnecessary and unwanted items in our house, we open it up to allow the energy to flow freely. People often comment on how “light” they feel after cleaning out the garage and other cluttered areas of their home.

It’s easy to de-clutter when you know how. The best ways to start are simply to pick one room at a time. Start by looking at the obvious items that catch your eye. Are tables clean and unobstructed? Is there anything on the floor which interrupts traffic flow? It might be time to clean out cupboards and drawers when they get too full to add any new items.

Some areas of the house need to remain clutter-free at all times to ensure you have peace and harmony. These include: bedrooms, bathrooms and entry areas. By clearing the space in these rooms, you’ll have a harmonious atmosphere.

Clearing the space will ensure you have less stress, more peace and are more receptive to the gifts of the Universe. Once you start with the physical space clearing, you can then move on to energy and emotional space clearing.

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Category: Manifesting Tips

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Manifesting coach and abundance creator. Sharing small things we can all do to attract more abundance and live extraordinary lives.

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